
Bushmeat and COVID-19; What Is the Connection?

The Simple Connection: Emerging Zoonotic Diseases and Human Health

'Bushmeat' is a term used to refer to wild meat in Africa, where forests are…


Critical Forest Corridor for Cross River Gorillas Threatened

Protecting forest corridors that allow movement and genetic exchange between Cross River gorilla subpopulations and groups is critical to their…


Saving Cross River Gorillas in Nigeria through Radio Drama

Hunting, habitat loss and fragmentation are the main threats to the survival of the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli (Bergl 2012; Imong et…


Education Efforts Prevent a "Blackback" Cross River Gorilla from Being Killed

Recording a scene of the drama for My Gorilla - My Community (© WCS Nigeria)

In November 2017, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) received a report of a lone male Cross River gorilla sighted near two Nigerian villages (Ofambe…


Strengthening Transboundary Conservation of Cross River Gorillas

Restricted to the rainforest region along the border between Nigeria and Cameroon, the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli is Africa's most…


A Brief Update on the Proposed Superhighway in Cross River State

In March 2016 the Federal Ministry of the Environment issued Cross River State a stop work order pending approval of an environmental impact…


On a Road to Nowhere?

After 16 years of continuous rule under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and record levels of corruption and mismanagement, Nigeria elected a new…


Clean Water for Cross River Conservation; Rangers on the Frontlines

In a previous article, we documented bushmeat trafficking out of West/Central Africa for sale in underground markets in Europe and North America.…


Improving Law Enforcement Monitoring in the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary

The Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS) in Nigeria is the western-most Cross River gorilla site and home to about 10 % of the total Cross River…


Gorilla Folk Filmmaking in the Cross River Headwaters

In the Lebialem highlands of Southwest Cameroon, people say that if a hunter kills a gorilla, a person (often a village notable) dies. Connected by a…


Going the "SMART" Way in Nigeria and Cameroon

The Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) is new and improved software for measuring, evaluating and improving the effectiveness of wildlife…


Videos with and about Cross River Gorillas

Rare Footage of Cross River Gorillas Captured by the Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society set up camera traps in the…


Ebola Reduces Bushmeat Consumption

Bushmeat traders in Watt Market in Calabar, Cross River State, South Eastern Nigeria, are lamenting the poor sales of bushmeat since the outbreak of…


Using Technology in the Mbe Mountains

The <link 244 _blank internal-link "MBe Mountains">Mbe Mountains</link> form part of an important habitat corridor linking Afi Mountain Wildlife…


First donation by ajoofa

[Translate to EN:] Scheckübergabe bei ajoofa in Ulm (© ajoofa)

On February 6th, 2014, we received the first donation by the T-shirt company ajoofa. Marcus Handvest handed over a symbolic check with the donation…


Bushmeat Hunting Changes African Rainforests

Hunting often devastates populations of large mammals, and this may have impact on other animal and plant communities. In two recent studies (Effiom…


Landslides Hit Afi Sanctuary

[Translate to Englisch:] Einer der Landrutsche

The Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS) occupies approximately 100 km² in the north-western area of the Afi River Forest Reserve in the northern…


Renovation of Afi Sanctuary Headquarters

[Translate to EN:] Das marode Headquarter (© WCS Nigeria)

We transferred the first funds for project support in 2013: Andrew Dunn, our partner at WCS Nigeria, had asked us to fund the renovation of the Afi…


Action Plan for Cross River Gorillas

Cross River gorilla Action Plan workshop session (© Sean Southey)

In 2007 IUCN published a five-year (2007–2011) regional Action Plan for the conservation of the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli (Oates et…


Renovation Afi Base

The new sleeping shed at Afi Base Camp (© Inaoyom Imong)

Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary is the most westerly of three sites in Nigeria where Cross River gorillas occur, the other two sites being the Mbe…


Approaches to Saving Gorillas in Nigeria

WCS education coordinator, Mark Otu (right), hands over the keys of a snail pen to one of the project beneficiaries, John Kidze, as he receives hunting gear from him (© WCS)

Cross River gorillas face diverse threats resulting from high human population densities around the areas they inhabit. Efforts to save these gorillas…


Monitoring Gorillas in Nigeria

Comparison of encounter rate of human sign (per km) in Boshi Extension, Mbe Mountains and Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (© Inaoyom Imong)

From March to August 2009, surveys were conducted to evaluate the status of gorillas and other diurnal primates and their habitat at four gorilla…


Alternatives for Hunters

Hunters demonstrate with bee suit and veil during training on bee-keeping in Butatong (© Louis Nkonyu)

As part of our efforts to improve the protection of the critically endangered Cross River Gorilla in Nigeria, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) aims…


Genetic Diversity: Cross River Gorillas

Distribution of the Cross River Gorilla (© Angela Meder, mit Informationen von Rich Bergl)

Conservation research on gorillas has, to date, mainly focused on demographic factors, human impacts, and the influence of disease. Genetic data have…


Nigeria: Cross River Gorillas

The new camp in Mbe is constructed (© Andrew Dunn)

Improving Gorilla Protection in the Mbe MountainsCovering an area of about 80 km² the Mbe Mountains is one of three sites in Nigeria where gorillas…


Important Forest Corridor for Gorillas under Threat

The Afi River Forest Reserve survey team

The Afi River Forest Reserve is an area lying between two sites in Nigeria where the Cross River gorilla is known to occur - the Afi Mountain Wildlife…


Conservation in the Mbe Mountains, Nigeria

The Mbe eco-guards (© Andrew Dunn)

The Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) is Africa's most endangered taxon of ape, threatened by bushmeat hunting, conversion of forest for…


News from Cross River National Park 2007

Genetic Analysis in the Cross River Gorilla

Construction of a Base Camp

[Translate to EN:] Das Basiscamp in den Mbe-Bergen (© Andrew Dunn)

In the Mbe Reserve a base camp was constructed with our donation.

Related News:
<link en journal issues journal-no-33>News from Nigeria


Update on Nigeria: WCS's Work

Protection Strategies for Cross River Gorillas

The Role of the Cross River National Park

February 2001


Gorilla Killed in Nigeria