Journal #37, 2/2008


the history of the “new gorilla group” in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park dates from 2004 when WCS conducted a survey of the area. During that year, the group was observed for the fi rst time in the Mugaba tourism area. On a second occasion, it was observed by patrolling rangers in the areas of Madirhiri and Mugaba.

Download Journal No. 37

Another Way to Protect Biodiversity - Community Conservation

© André Byamungu

For a number of years the Congolese government has been campaigning in support of endangered animal and plant species, and has created a new…


The Power of Local Stories in Lebialem, Cameroon

© Denis Ndeloh

Cross River gorillas are found in isolated forest blocks including the Bechati-Fossimondi-Besali forest area in Lebialem Division, southwest Cameroon.…


Wildlife Crime in Cameroon and Operations' Impact

Abong Mbang, January 2008 (© LAGA)

Illegal trade in apes is an issue that has suffered from great confusion and lack of knowledge for a very long time. While endless popular bushmeat…


A New Gorilla Group in Kahuzi-Biega

The history of the "new gorilla group" in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park dates from 2004 when WCS conducted a survey of the area. During that year,…


Possible Goundou in Gorillas

Specimen A (© Colin Groves)

It is generally recognised that naturally occurring treponematosis is found in some African nonhuman primates. In addition, bone lesions of…


A GIS Habitat Map for the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary, Cameroon

Kagwene monitoring (© Ymke Warren)

The Cross River gorilla is the most endangered of all great ape taxa, and its rare and increasingly fragmented populations continue to be threatened…


New Gorilla Population Estimates in Northern Republic of Congo

Petunia with her son Asta while visiting Mbeli Bai (© Thomas Breuer)

On 5 August, 2008, at the XXII International Primatological Society Congress in Edinburgh, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced the…


Rapid Decline in the Largest Group of Mountain Gorillas

Interaction between the Pablo group and Beetsme’s group (© Veronica Vecellio, DFGFI)

Pablo's group is the largest habituated group of mountain gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, or anywhere in the world. The group was…


Important Forest Corridor for Gorillas under Threat

The Afi River Forest Reserve survey team

The Afi River Forest Reserve is an area lying between two sites in Nigeria where the Cross River gorilla is known to occur - the Afi Mountain Wildlife…


A New Approach to Gorilla Conservation: "Gorilla Guardians"

Potential gorilla guardians (© Amelia Stott, WCS Takamanda-Mone Landscape Project)

A new community-based approach to the conservation of some of the most remote (and hence least protected) groups of Cross River gorillas is currently…


Repair of the Solar Power System