Ebo: Clubs des Amis des Gorilles (closed)

Categories: Protective Measures, Cameroon, Other protected areas, Western Lowland Gorilla, Appeal for Donations

[Translate to EN:] Eine Serie von Postern für die Gemeinden, die nahe den Ebo-Gorillas leben, gestaltet von Bethan Morgan.

[Translate to EN:] Eine Serie von Postern für die Gemeinden, die nahe den Ebo-Gorillas leben, gestaltet von Bethan Morgan.

Near the Ebo forest, Bethan Morgan and Ekwoge Enang Abwe are starting to develop “Clubs des Amis des Gorilles” in each of the villages closest to the gorillas to promote community participation, responsibility and pride in the Ebo gorillas. We decided to fund these Clubs with US$ 5,000 for the second half of 2012 – or even more, if we succeed to raise more funds! This support will be used for the following activities:

  • sensitisation meetings
  • monthly disbursements to the meetings of the Clubs des Amis des Gorilles (for supporting monitoring, banner production, stationery and other items)
  • monitoring team boots, raincoats, compasses, watches
  • developing and printing forms and membership cards
  • fuel for meetings and gorilla monitoring
  • T-shirts „Club des Amis des Gorilles“
  • quarterly newsletter production and printing
  • football tournament (trophy, prizes, shirts, footballs)

Help us to support the conservation of the Ebo gorillas together with the local population!